Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Round Tripping with Color Balancing

I got involved in an interesting conversation on flame-news, the result of which is I have a few tips on how to balance footage and get it back to it's unbalanced state to film out or hand back to whoever gave it to you.

The easiest, and probably best way is with the histogram in the Color Corrector:
(note: all balancing and work done in 16 bit Float--if you work in 12 or 8 bit you run a risk of clipping out detail if you are not careful)

Set your black and white points on the R,G, and B to balance your image by sampling an area for blacks, and entering those values into the IN on the black levels, then sampling an area for whites and doing the same with the IN on the white levels.

to un-balance to the original put the IN values into the OUT values and reset the IN's back to 0 and 1 respectively.

Using Gain and Offset (separately) in Color Correctors:
--Use only the master controls (no highlights/mids/shadows) and use only gain and offset.
--Make two CC nodes if you're going to use both Gain and Offset. Have the Gain CC come first.
--Balance your shot
--At the tail of your batch tree add two more CC's to invert the Offset and Gain--in that order.

To unbalance use inverse of the upstream offset on the downstream one and use the 100/gain*100 math/expression to get your inverted gain values and your image will be back to where it was.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Some tips from my broadcast days

When in doubt about what IRE to color correct to I default to 110. Your reds will be legal always (red can't ever get up to even 100 IRE), however yellows and cyans can be murder. On the bright side, sucking large amounts of saturation out of the highlights often has little to no visible effect.

If you don't have a vectorscope that shows you the IRE levels you can use the not-that-secret flame spark "Broadcast" which is found in /usr/discreet/(flame version)/sparks

you can set the IRE you want it to clamp and it'll be downright evil with anything above that setting. Since you dont' want that, you put a color correct node between the clip and the spark and a differenceMatte node with the CC as one input and the spark as the other. Set the difference gain way up (1000 should be fine) and set the difference node as the context (hold the + key and tap the node). Always go into the spark, even if you change no settings. I've seen it not take effect till you 'wake it up' in that way. At this point, go back to your CC and look at your difference matte. Drop the saturation in the highlights and possibly bring the gain on them down until you've got no difference in the two images and viola! broadcast legal color.

There's some other cool things in the /usr/discreet/(flame version/ directory. I use the basic 3d primitives from the "models" directory all the time, and there's pre-made gmask shapes and other useful sparks.